Channel Rules
To be updated as needed
- This is a family channel. Absolutely no obscene or offensive language or nicknames.
- Use your best judgment, be pleasant and polite. Avoid being rude and obnoxious.
- No advertising other IRC channels or auto invites.
- No auto greets on channel join or exit.
- Do not use all CAPS when posting a message. It is considered yelling and rude.
- This is a English only channel.
- No warez, pornography, cracks or serial number discussions and no file swapping.
- No PMing channel operators without permission.
- No excessive multicolored messages.
- No vulgar language.
- No harassing, insulting, or fighting.
- Don't ask for ops or voice.
- No racism, sexism, bigotry or any other forms of hatred.
- No excessive use of automated scripts.
- No spamming, or unauthorized advertising.
- No flooding. (more than 10 lines in 5 sec)
- Do not repeat.